Okay. So I love design, and sustainability should really be just a part of its process. But what does it have to do with me? How can I chip in? Wait a second, I'm a designer in an architectural firm ... a leading sustainable design firm, and a damn good one too. So how can I not take this opportunity to do what I love and push it a step further?
Sustainability and architecture, how do they really come together to become "green architecture" or simply a "sustainable" building? It's not rocket science. For the most part it spurs from good, sound design. Optimize solar orientation by siting the building correctly, use energy efficient building systems, recycle and use recyclable materials, be efficient with resources and just be mindful of the environment, really. But it can certainly get complex with systems such as photovoltaic arrays, fuel cells, and green roofs. Either way, it all contributes to a better design and makes for one cool -- in more ways than one -- building.
Through this blog I will show you snippets of what it is we do. I want you to see how sustainability really becomes a part of the design process, and eventual reality. I just want to keep it real [green].