LPA Blog

Architect Spotlight: Rick Musto

Written by Rochelle Veturis | Mon, Jun 28, 2010

As part of a continuing feature on this blog, we’ll meet each of the firm’s associates and get their take on LPA, architecture, and of course, sustainable design.


Q. How long have you worked at LPA?

A. I can’t believe it has already been 8 years!

Q. What do you love most about your job?

A. All of it. There is simply no better place to practice architecture than LPA. I have worked for several design firms in my life, both large and small, but there is no comparison to the integrated firm we are building here at LPA. I am surrounded by so many talented professionals; it demands me to be the best I can at what I do.

Q. What does a day in the life of Rick Musto look like?

A. Do you really want to know? My day typically starts as my wife and 10-year-old figure skater are rushing out the door to the neighborhood ice rink. Once I satisfy my Starbucks habit, I am usually off to visit one of my K-12 school districts, either up north to Pasadena or Arcadia, or south to Chula Vista. After my meeting(s) I head back to the office to check in with some of my project teams and catch up on e-mail I was not able to get to from my iPhone. After my “day job” is over, I head home for dinner, kids’ homework, baths and usually a little late night e-mail.

Q. What project are you working on this minute? What does it entail?

A. There are so many great school projects I have the pleasure to direct. One in particular is the Montgomery Middle School classroom addition for the Sweetwater Union High School District. This project consists of a two-story, 16-classroom building with spaces for a library, counseling center, Associate Student Body (ASB) space, and cafeteria. The building will total 45,200 square feet (in space) and if constructed as planned, will be the first LEED platinum public school facility in California. We are currently completing the construction documents; construction is scheduled to begin in 2011.

Q. What do you love most about sustainable design?

A. I am fortunate to be focused on K-12 schools --I can’t think of a better place to practice sustainable design. Providing healthy green schools for our children isn’t a tag line, it’s our reality. My kids are both in elementary school and they’re already way ahead of where I was at that age as far as our environment is concerned. Green school facilities can enhance and reinforce the sustainable ideas our children are now learning and, if done right, can be integrated within their school curriculum.

Rick Musto is an Associate and Architect with California-based LPA Inc. He is a LEED Accredited Professional who has worked on more than 60 K-12 schools.